Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy Regimen Library
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Myeloablative Haploidentical - Flu/Bu4 with PTCy [fludarabine and busulfan with post-transplant CYCLOPHOSPHamide] | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Myeloablative Haploidentical - Flu/TBI 8Gy with PTCy [fludarabine and total body irradiation 8Gy with post-transplant CYCLOPHOSPHamide] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Myeloablative Matched unrelated donor - Bu/Cy/ATG [busulfan, CYCLOPHOSPHamide and Thymoglobuline] | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Myeloablative Matched unrelated donor - Cy/Bu/ATG [CYCLOPHOSPHamide, busulfan and Thymoglobuline] [reversed order] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Myeloablative Matched unrelated donor - Cy/TBI2/ATG [CYCLOPHOSPHamide followed by total body irradiation and Thymoglobuline] [2 day] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Myeloablative Matched unrelated donor - Cy/TBI3/ATG [CYCLOPHOSPHamide followed by total body irradiation and Thymoglobuline] [3 day] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Myeloablative Matched unrelated donor - Flu/Bu4/ATG [fludarabine, busulfan, and Thymoglobuline] | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Myeloablative Sibling - Bu/Cy [busulfan and CYCLOPHOSPHamide] | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Myeloablative Sibling - Cy/Bu [CYCLOPHOSPHamide and busulfan] [reversed order] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Myeloablative Sibling - Cy/TBI [CYCLOPHOSPHamide followed by total body irradiation] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Myeloablative Sibling - Flu/Bu4 [fludarabine and busulfan] | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Myeloablative Sibling - TBI/Cy [total body irradiation followed by CYCLOPHOSPHamide] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Myeloablative Sibling - total body irradiation followed by CYCLOPHOSPHamide [UKALL14] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Non–myeloablative - Flu/TBI 2Gy [fludarabine and low dose total body irradiation 2Gy] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Reduced intensity Haploidentical - Flu/Bu3 with PTCy [fludarabine and busulfan with post-transplant CYCLOPHOSPHamide] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Reduced intensity Haploidentical - Flu/Cy/TBI 2Gy with PTCy [fludarabine, CYCLOPHOSPHamide and total body irradiation 2Gy with post-transplant CYCLOPHOSPHamide] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Reduced intensity Haploidentical - Mel/Flu/TBI 2Gy with PTCy [melphalan, fludarabine and total body irradiation 2Gy with post-transplant CYCLOPHOSPHamide] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Reduced intensity Matched unrelated donor - Flu/Bu2/ATG [fludarabine, busulfan, and Thymoglobuline] | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Reduced intensity Matched unrelated donor - Flu/Bu3/ATG [fludarabine, busulfan and Thymoglobuline] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Reduced intensity Matched unrelated donor - Flu/Mel/ATG [fludarabine, melphalan and Thymoglobuline] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Reduced intensity Sibling - Flu/Bu2 [fludarabine and busulfan] | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Reduced intensity Sibling - Flu/Bu3 [fludarabine and busulfan] | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Allogeneic conditioning Reduced intensity Sibling - Flu/Mel [fludarabine and melphalan] | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Autologous conditioning - BEAM [carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine and melphalan] [lymphoma] | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Autologous conditioning - carmustine and thiotepa [CNS lymphoma] | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Autologous conditioning - carmustine and thiotepa [Part THREE of MARIETTA for Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with secondary CNS involvement] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Autologous conditioning - CBV [CYCLOPHOSPHamide, carmustine and etoposide] [lymphoma] | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Autologous conditioning - CE [cARBOplatin and etoposide] [Part TWO of TICE for Metastatic germ cell tumour] | 1.0.0 | 23/01/2025 |
HSCT Autologous conditioning - melphalan 140 | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Autologous conditioning - melphalan 200 | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Mobilisation - CYCLOPHOSPHamide and filgrastim | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Mobilisation - filgrastim | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |
HSCT Mobilisation - filgrastim and plerixafor | 1.0.0 | 28/11/2024 |